viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

Looking Back to Look Forwards

Looking Back to Look Forwards
10 - 14 December 2012
Under the auspices of the
Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona
And the Centre for Peace and Social Justice, Southern Cross University

From There to Here
Gloria Montero, Jamal Mahjoub, Ron Pretty

How did we get from there to here? Jamal Mahjoub, Gloria Montero and Ron
Pretty have all either grown up in one continent and now live in another,
or are descendants of people who did. Building on these experiences, these
papers will explore aspects of displacement and of the awareness of 'The
Other' as recorded in the authors' own works and in the works of other
writers from AustraliaSpain and elsewhere. What has been the impact of
displacement? Motifs of nostalgia, of incomprehension, of threat and
ambition will be explored. In this session, the ways in which these tropes
are embodied in the language and structure of contemporary prose and
poetry will be explored.